Older Entries

Do I appologize for my lack of updates? Hell no. I've been overcome with exhaustion and quite honestly, I haven't been in the mood to write in here. I have another journal out there somewhere (not on diaryland) where I've been writing and only a few people know about it, so I don't feel judged there. Diaryland is over hypocritical of me. People I don't like know of this diary and use it to blackmail me. I don't want to make this friends only because that would cut me off from meeting other people, but rather I watch what I say. I'm a good kid, I don't do anything wrong; I just HATE it when people manipulate what I say. It makes me angry, and I'm not a nice person when I'm angry.

Random thoughts just keep pouring out. I'm tired. I have a lot of homework to do, and I'm not in a friendly mood. So I appologize for that, and that only.

Hmmm... The past few days have been eventful. Heather and I had a shitload of fun on Monday, and yesterday wasn't too shabby either. I got three new hermit crabs last Friday and will eventually post a few pictures of them. I named them Prince Albert, Fido, and Dubya (yes, after the president, but if he looses-heaven forbid- I'll change my crab's name). I'm getting three more this evening from my friend Megan who can't take care of them anymore. I bought a new ten gallon tank for them all to live, so I have plenty of room for them. *yawn* I'm in the library during lunch... Again. Oh how I love this school. As bad as I tend to make it sound, it really isn't that bad. The rooms are old and dusty and I can never breathe, but the teachers (especially our principle) are amazing and the students are crazy. It has been a fun, yet tedious, four years here, but in under three months, I'll be out of this damn place. Thank God. It's time for a change of environment. Hopefully I'll be able to breathe once I graduate.

I have so much homework it isn't even funny. I've been slacking off and the feeling of senioritus is begining to kick in, but I've got to fight the temptation and kick some serious ass at school. Time to buckle down. I'll update soon (hopefully).


�Glinda|| � || Elphie�