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What an exhausting friggin' day. After getting NO sleep, I mannaged to get my ass downtown and get my shots, and made it to school around 12. At least drama was relaxing. Shirley and I colored pictures the whole time. LoL, we don't do shit in that class and its great- especially when all the other classes I take are a pain in the ass.

Arrgblahpssst. Sorry, I just needed to get that out. After getting my shots today, I stopped by the mall on my way to school and picked up the Dashboard Confessional CD- which is really good- as well as a new purse, t-shirt and two new phone covers because my old one was a bit beat up to say the least.

Rehursal went good. It was the first time we put all of act one together so of course there were a few flaws, but it was good none the less. Hahaha, I flaunted my new nail-less toe (the toenail finally fell off! Remember, its been gross since September!!) and burped a lot. I act like such a girlie-girl at times, but I can be so boyish at other times. Burping is one of my favorite thing to do... Hahaha, don't question it- just nod your head.

Then after ruhursal, I went to see Glen. We had a nice long talk, which we haven't had in a while. It was good I guess.

And as of right now, I'm just relaxing and listening to some music. I hope ya'll have a lovely evening!


�Glinda|| � || Elphie�