Older Entries

I really SHOULD be at school right now, but I had the WORST night and got no sleep, so my mom let me sleep in. She just told me to take my time getting ready and then go downtown and get my allergy shots. She said I didn't have to go to school at all if I didn't want to, but I need to go for third period (which starts around 12:15 and ends at 2) at least because Ms. Miner will get pissed if I just go to rehursal, but not her class. I'm going to take advantage of some of this time and work on my lines for drama.

"Alright children, we're ready! Children, children, CHILDREN! This is a dining room, NOT the monkey house at a zoo! Alright then, I'll just have to tell Roberta in the kitchen to put away all the ice cream and cake..." hahaha, sorry, I couldn't help it. That's part of my first monolouge. Well, I've got to skidattle! Have a lovely day!


�Glinda|| � || Elphie�