Older Entries

Well, I'm sitting on my ass in the school library with Shirley because we're losers that are supposed to be doing research. Well, the Mark guy I wrote about before made what said was an attempt to appologize to me, but it came out more like an "I'm right, your stupid" statement that failed miserablely. He just ended up being really rude, and um, yeah. That's the end of that. Hmmm... I'm bored. So, Shirley, Cristina, and I are all going to the Hanson concert. Yay for Hanson! We're going to have an Mmmbopin' good time. Damn straight!

I can't wait til we go. Shirley and I are going straight to house of blues after school that day so we can wait and get spots at the front of the stage... Then when no one is looking, Shirley will jump onto the stage and attack Isaac Hanson because.... She's just crazy like that. Alrighty, gotta get back to class.


�Glinda|| � || Elphie�