Older Entries

Yes, I know I'm a teeny bopper at heart, but HANSONS COMING TO TOWN ON OCTOBER 27th!!!!!!!! I'M SO EXCITED!!! I'VE BEEN WAITING THREE YEARS FOR THEM TO COME BACK! YAY!!!!! Last time they came to town, I managed to get backstage and meet them, so its now time to reminisce

Keep in mind I was just barely 14 years old in this picture, and laugh at how dorky and overly excited I was. It was great. Hahaha, look at Tasha and Cristina too! We all looked so young! But we really were... I was a freshman then, and I'm a senior now!

But that's all my lovelies, I was just overly excited and needed to share my happiness.


�Glinda|| � || Elphie�