Older Entries

I've grown so much in the past year. I feel like a completely new person. I've lost a loved one due to cancer, had a broken heart (but later had it taped up), watched my grandfather suffer but triumphantly recover, gained new friends and mended things up with other (best) friends, performed on stage (SPOON RIVER BABY), learned that first impressions aren't always the best, wrecked my precious car 5 times (TWO TIMES WERE NOT MY FAULT), gotten my first speeding ticket, and kidnapped my best friend to name a few. Some things made me cry and other things made me laugh. I've learned so much about myself this year that I never thought I would, and this year, my senior year, will open more doors for me-into my future and whatever it may hold.

I remember my last day of eighth grade- I cried. I wasn't too sure why I had tears when I was only moving down the road to high school, but I did. Now that I look back on that day, I realize why. It was the beginning of a new me. My freshman year in high school was probably my most trying and emotional year I've experienced so far. Two of my best friends were misinformed by the third; she told them that I said some pretty horrible things about them, and instead of questioning me about them, they automatically took her word and left me in the cold. Now I know that doesn't sound too life altering, but these were the girls that I trusted my life with, and for one of them to blatantly spread these horrible lies about me, felt like a stab in my heart. Since then, I can only think of two people I trust the way I trusted them-Glen and Shirley. I have regained friendship with the two girls, but the third one has only turned into a psychotic pathological liar. Her name is Jenna Thompson; yes, the same Jenna that tried to run me off the road and make me wreck my car. Geez, she's only gotten worse over the years. I pity her; she honestly has no chance in life if her main goal is to harass me. Why waist your time on anger or jealously when it will never help you to accomplish anything? In the ninth grade, I thought the world was full of candy canes and sweet smelling flowers. I thought there was good in everyone. As much as I wish that was true, the events that have occurred of my high school years have proven my naive mind wrong. In a way, I wish my freshman year had happened differently, but in the long run, I met some pretty amazing people.

If there was only one tip I could leave for freshmen in high school would be to make as many friends as possible. Whether your shy or outgoing, or you think you're the most wonderful person in the world and don't need more friends. Its never going to hurt to have friends. Be open to all types of people, and don't base a friendship off of ethnicity, style, or religion, because that doesn't determine the type of person someone is-its what's inside that really counts.


�Glinda|| � || Elphie�