Older Entries

I am a slacker and damn proud. Sorry I haven't written- I've been rather busy this week with Spirit Week and all, so I haven't had a chance. Where shall I begin... Hmmm.... Friday night sounds good to me!

Friday night, Glen and I went out to Daytona to see one of Nick's football games. It was such a shock, because his entire school (kindergarden through 12 grade) only has 200 students (its a private Christian school), whereas Apopka High has nearly 4,000 students, so there weren't nearly as many people at one of his games than at Apopka's. This is Nick's first year of playing, so he doesn't really play, just stands on the sidelines... But he did get in for about a minute, which was enough time for him to tackle the crap out of one of the other guys; it was beautiful. Glen and I were so proud!!!! But his team lost. Oh well. Sucks for them- Apopka beat the team we played, so at least THAT was a good thing!
After his game was over and he was done socializing with a few girls (Go Nicky!), we went back to his house so he could pack for the weekend. We finally made it back to Apopka around 1:15am. Then it was off to Randy's house for a little shin-dig. That was fun, even though I don't remember most of the night.

Then Saturday morning, Meagan and I had to get up around 8:30 because we had football practice at 9ish. That was actually a GOOD practice for the seniors- we actually did what needed to be done. At the end of practice, we all got our shirts and whatnot then Megz and I went back to Randy's so she could get her stuff and I could take Nick and Glen home. After dropping them off I went BACK to Randy's picked Meagan up & took her home. That's about all I did Saturday. Not too much happened on Sunday either. My mom and I went shoe shopping, then went to get glitter and decorations for Spirit Week.

Monday... Oh what a day. I got NO sleep the night before and had promised Shirley I'd pick her up in the morning. I got up at five, took my shower, did my make-up and hair, and put on my TOGA, because it was TOGA DAY at school (lol). Around 6:30, I left my house to go get Shirley. On the way, I stopped to pick up a disposible camera to take some pictures (because pictures are the greatest things ever), and then was back on the road! I actually got to her house earlier than expected... I figured I get there around 7, but was there at 6:50. Oh well, she was ready :) Her toga was made out of a pink bed spread with little Jewish children playing with goats on it. It was hillarious! So we all wore togas at school and it was marvolous. The End for Monday.

Tuesday was Sports Day AND the day of the Powder Puff Game My shorts looked amazing. All Seniors wore blue shorts, so on mine I had SENIORS on the back in glitter and shit, with little swirls around the outside. Then on the front, I had these special iron on letters that said Spanky on one side, and 2004 on the other side. So basically, I got to rub my ass in all the junior girls' faces. It was great. That night was the game. Let me tell you, those Juniors played DIRTY! Ok, so we tackled too, but they were throwing fists and elbowing us in the face for God's sake! You've got to remember we don't use helmets or pads or anything, so it can get rather ruff out there! Since I was on the Offensive Line, I attacked often and in the end, wound up with a swollen knee (which later needed a cortizone shot) and a broken toe. But the important thing was that the SENIORS WON 20-12 and we didn't even have to cheat! '04 fo'sho'!! After the game, I went with Meagan to her grandparents'house to celebrate her birthday with her family; they all seem really nice, but my favorite was her almost 3 year old cousin Caleb! He was such a little flirt! His actions were absolutely precious!

Wednesday- Well, I didn't get to school until fifth period because my knee was so inflamed and I was in pain. LoL, but when I DID get there, it was great :) The day was Circus Day, but for the SENIORS it was SUPER SENIOR day, so I went as Wonder Woman! That was a laugh a minute, let me tell you! Then, that night, Shirley and Glen came over to hang out for a while and we had pizza and it was just fun.

As for today, it was RETRO DAY so I went as a 70's disco chick, complete with an audacious bright mini dress and boots! It was crazy, but fun. They took my picture for the newspaper, but I'm not sure if it'll be in or not.

And as of right now, I'm sick. Damn my asthmatic, allergic self!!! I have this horrible raspy cough and my throat is all swollen and it just sucks. The only good thing going on at this moment is that I'm waiting for my pictures to get developed! This will be the fewest amount of pictures I've taken since I was a freshman... I don't know why, I just wasn't as into it this year. Oh well.

I'm going to jet for now, but I'll post some pics up ASAP!


�Glinda|| � || Elphie�