Older Entries

I don't know why I'm so apprehensive about starting school this year. The idea of being a senior is great, but I can't figure out why its causing so much stress... It just seems that the real world is about to take over, and everything is going to change.

Don't get me wrong, I'm READY for a change, but its scary at the same time, you know? I've been so sheltered my whole life (being the only child of two older parents) and haven't neccisarily experienced as much as other 17 year olds, in more ways than one. For one thing, I've never losted someone really close to me. My next door neighbor died when I was 8 or 9, but he was suffering from cancer and was in his late 50's. His name was Farrel; he was really a great person and I loved him to death, but other than him, no one I've loved has ever died. I'm street smart, I know that much, but I'm not a crazy party girl. The only parties I went to this summer were ones that Glen had, so I knew what was going on. I'm not really "wild", but in a way I guess that's a good thing.

Although I may not have experienced things that some of my classmates have, I've been through a lot. I've learned so much about myself that most people will never firmly grasp. I'm very firm on my beliefs: on what I feel is right and what is wrong- call me hardheaded if you must, but I'm set in what I believe. I've learned that friends come and go, but there will always be a few that will stick with you through thick and thin, laughter and tears. If the number of TRUE friends you have equals the number of fingers you have on one hand, consider yourself blessed, and never forget that.

I've learned that no matter how painful or how much grief a small arguement with a friend or loved one may bring you, it will never compare to that of having someone you love in the hospital, in intensive care. You can't let the little things get to you, because if you do, you'll waist all your time on the petty things, and loose sight of what really matters.

I've learned that you can't believe what everyone says about you. Some people will like you, some people won't. Its impossible to be loved by everyone. As long as you're true to yourself, you'll be just fine. Ignore insults you recieve- the people dispencing them are only jealous and have not begun to see the larger picture of life.

Well, maybe I am ready for the real world... I just don't want to forget the things that made me what I am today.


�Glinda|| � || Elphie�