Older Entries

Its 4:28 in the morning. What the hell am I doing up? Arrrg. I went to bed around 11 and woke up around 1. No sleep since then, no matter how hard I try. I'm freezing, but that's nothing out of the ordinary. Mizzy* is prancing around my room filled with glee that I'm up at this time, but I on the other hand am miserable. I just want to get some SLEEP! Oh well, I might as well reminice on the day.

I had an amazing 12 hour sleep. I honestly think that's the longest I slept all summer; I don't know, I'm not one to sleep in real late- its just not me! Glen of all people was actually the one to wake me up! For once he was up before me! I'm so proud of my baby! We didn't talk for long because I had to get to cleaning my room and bathroom. It was a time consuming job, but my room wasn't all that "dirty", clothes just needed to be put away or paper needed to be put in the trash. Before I had completely fished, I took a good look at my bathroom. Disgusting. I took everything off the counter, cleaned that, cleaned my perfume bottles (which were covered in specks of orange paint), mopped the floor, and did the huge ass windows. *sigh* The bathroom, and the portion of my room that was finished (I have a huge ass room, but it still gets cluttered... Go figure) took me at least 2.5 hours. It SUCKED. I rewarded myself with a nice warm bath and a little bit of relaxation.

Not long after I was done, I got a phone call from Garren telling me to get my ass down to the school if I wanted a decent Senior Parking Space. DAMN IT! LoL, so I halled ass and was down there at 3:30 (instead of 4) I found Naomi and we waited in line together. I had one too many tardies according to Mr. Fox, so would have to be put on a wait-list and would get the left overs... HELL NO! I got Garren to buy one (with my money of course) and just put my lincense tag number on the thing. Muhaha, I'm a tricky bitch! But that wasn't it. Then you had to get into a long ass line just to get into the Gym (where our Senior Kickoff was being held), then from there, proceed to get into another line to get a parking spot, followed by yet ANOTHER line. In the end, I got a really good parking spot, and was very pleased :)

I also bought a Senior Kickoff Shirt & bandanna (which I'll never wear), a senior keychain, and a planner for the year. The only bad part about the whole adventure was my schedule for my classes. Four of them are correct and looking great, but two of the classes are wrong. Instead of getting Honors Human Anatomy & Physiology, I got Advanced Placement Biology- which wouldn't be a bad thing, but they had summer class work so I can't be in there. The other class is psychology. Now, I want to major in psychology, so I chose to be put in VCC Psychology, which is a college level course, but they put me in the normal school one. I had pass about 3 different tests to be in that class (and I did pass all of them), so I WILL be getting put in there. They can kick a sophomore out to make room for a senior. Hopefully my guidance teacher will fix it all for me... Its actually odd that she likes me so much, because at the beginning of my junior year, she and I didn't care much for eachother at all, but we somehow bonded and now she loves me. It turns out that she also lives in my neighborhood- just down the street, and has a GORGEOUS two toned Jaguar- light blue on the top, midnight blue on the bottom. She agreed to sell it to me when she was ready to, but said that wouldn't be for at least 5 more years (its brand new). BUT BACK ON TOPIC, I'm about 99% sure she'll work things out for me :)

After getting our schedules, parking spots, and so forth, Garren, Naomi (whom I said I would give a ride home to), and I all headed out. Before taking them home, we stopped at the elementary school where my mom teaches. I wanted to be reimburst for my "school supplies". Her school was also in the middle of an open house, so we went in the back way and avoided the throngs of kids. My mom teaches mentally disabled three through five year olds (meaning she doesn't have many kids in her class), so I wasn't affraid I'd interupt anything. I was right. We went in and said hi to my Mommy, got some money blah blah blah, and right as we were about to leave, there was a knock on the door, yay! I got to see one of her kids! I don't remember his name, but he was a little blonde haired, blue eyed 3-year-old with the cutest ears and face!! AWWW!!!! I wanted to steal him and bring him home to be my little brother! Nay and I both cooed with delight when he began to play- then my mom made the three of us leave. Thanks mom.

After taking Naomi home, Garren and I went over to Glen's. Nick and he were just lounging around so we all made plans to go see S.W.A.T. It actually turned out to be a great movie. Michelle Rodriguze did an AMAZING job.

Jesus, my cat is going ballistic! She just jumped ontop of my dressed, looked into the mirror about a foot and a half above it, then jumped OVER my nightside stand w/ light onto my bed. Maybe if she was a kitten that wouldn't be odd, but she's 7 years old... AWW! MY BABY!!! Oh geez, I'm babbling!


*= Mizzy is my other cat that I don't write about, usually she's very skiddish, but somethings up with her... Must be a full moon

�Glinda|| � || Elphie�