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I'M SO FREAKIN' WORN OUT!!!! I haven't slept good for the past month and now is the time I need sleep more than ever! I'm expecting the play to take a lot out of me, which will REALLY make sleep vital because I NEED to keep my grades up.

Speaking of the play, I had rehursal today. Man, I love Mrs. C; she's so freakin' funny! LoL, there were only seven of us today (only two guys), so we were talking about birth control, periods, Brittany the human dildo, and the man whore. It was great. I was TRYING to give directions to the new Melting Pot, but it didn't go too great... I was driving an invisible car around the stage and I think everyone just thought I was a freak. Nothing new there, hahaha.

Other than that, not too much happened today... I got certified in CPR, so that's cool I guess. I'm sick right now too :( I'd better get well by tomorrow because its Parent Swap Day (parents go to school instead of us hahahahahaha) and Glen and I are planning to go to the beach.

I'm going to brush up on my telivision viewing skills, but everyone have a good night!


�Glinda|| � || Elphie�