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Today was WONDERFUL! My mom went to school for me and I got to stay home and relax. :) I'm feeling a lot better now that I've gotten a good sleep. I got up at 11:30, made french toast sticks, watched Maury and Jerry Springer (which had a KICKASS chick on there fighting for her husband- she was amazing), cleaned my room, picked up Glen's little sister Laurie at her bus stop, brought her over here, watched Queer Eye For A Straight Guy, chased frogs around my pool, watched Legally Blonde 2, did some homework, watched Finding Nemo, waited outside for Glen to pick Laurie up, did some more homework (still not done), and found Hanson lyrics. :) It seems like a lot now that I look at it, but I really haven't done shit today! Its been GREAT!

You might be wondering why Laurie came over after she got off from school... Well, Glen & the rest of his family (brother, mom, aunt and uncle) went to Kennedy Space Center today. I was supposed to go with, but my mom wouldn't let me... Which is really strange because she usually wouldn't care. Go figure. Anyway, they weren't going to be home in time to let Laurie in the house (she gets home @ 3:30 on Wednesdays) so she came and hung out over here. She's 13, but go figure, I get along great with her. Hahaha, I act like a 13 year old sometimes, so it works out well.

More homework to down, talk to ya'll tomorrow after rehursal and Glen's :)


�Glinda|| � || Elphie�