Older Entries

Hey there everyone!! Do you like my new layout?? I hope so! :) I love it! I hope everyone's day has been more eventful than mine. I've been sitting on my ass reading Harry Potter & The Order of Pheonix alllll day. I'm supposed 2 do something w/ Glen, but I have no friggin' clue where he is! He went to work out at three & its 6:15 now. What a load of crap. *sigh* I'm so broke right now, its not even funny. Any time I have under $20 in my wallet, I get depressed. It sucks major balls. Speaking of which, I applied for a job at the Animal House next to the movies a few days ago, then went back to see the doggies again. I talked to the co-owner and she really liked me, but she's not the one in charge of hiring, the other lady is (I think its her sister, they looked a lot alike)... She did show me the baby kittens in the back room! AWWWW! THEY WERE SO CUTE! And she also showed me a mother with her kittens who had just opened their eyes the day before! I love momma cats, they're the most angelic things ever! No matter HOW mean the cat is when it doesn't have babies, it becomes a sweetheart after it gives birth. Anyway, back to the point. The lady really liked me and she told me if they had any openings she'd request me for sure. *YaY*

But I must be on my way... The pages of Harry Potter are calling my name!


�Glinda|| � || Elphie�