Older Entries

Screw Sweetwater Country Club, I've got a better job! *Yay for me* I'm a receptionist at a beauty school in Altamonte Springs! Whoop Whoop! I start tomorrow. Things ended up being shit @ the restraunt- they only needed me for parties & told my dad they'd only need me about 5x the whole summer. Soooo little miss Morgan got herself a GOOD job! Yay!

In other news, Miss Meagan Wallace and I have made peace- ALL HELL HAS FROZEN OVER!! LoL, I'm just sick of this bullshit & I'm sure she was too, so we were just like "fuck it, this is stupid". Which in all honesty is a great weight lifted from my shoulders because I think I've finally grown out of the phase of holding grudges- there are so many other things I have to worry about OTHER than who doesn't like me or who I don't like. Yay! I've grown up some!... But there are still SOME people I don't have time to forgive. Its not a matter of holding grudges, its just a matter of it being even harder to be friends with them, you know the type I'm talking about? Oh well. You can't like everyone & you can't expect everyone to like you.

But I'm done for now, I just got home from being out with Glen & the boys and I'm not feeling too hot, so I'll leave you all at adieu!


�Glinda|| � || Elphie�