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Today Glen, Nick, and I went out to Daytona (Nicks staying with some family friends while his mom is in Miami and step-dad/mom's boyfriend is in Georgia). We were hoping to go to the beach, but on the way out there it began to rain like crazy. So instead, we chose to go fishing. After picking up some shrimp to use as bait, we headed over to Nick's house. I really don't know why, but I LOVE to salt-water fish! Its a lot more entertaining that fresh-water fishing because there's more of a variety in the ocean than in a lake.

We headed out to the far end of the dock and proceeded to set up. After about twenty minutes of no fish, I was feeling a little down- usually SOMETHING bites by then... When Nick suddenly had something. DUN DUN DUN! It was only a sting ray, but at least it was something. Soon after, Glen caught a small saltwater grouper, which was REALLY pretty. I became rather jealous because, well, I HADN'T CAUGHT ANYTHING YET!

But luck was bound to change. After a while of not catching anything with the nice pole I was using, I picked up the cheapest one out there, a Zebco pole (about the cheepest pole you can get), and proceeded to use that. I joked that I would catch the biggest fish of all using it, and guess what! I DID!!! After I began to use that pole, I caught SEVEN fish. Two grouper, two spappers, a stingray, a FLOUNDER, and a SHEEPSHEAD. The flounder and sheepshead were about 10" long each, so we desided to keep those. Seven fish. Muhaha, I made the boys call me Master Morgan of the Sea. It was beautiful. I took two pics with my camera, so I'll put them up here, just because I'm really proud of myself. Even after I got big headed about catching the flounder, two seconds after putting my pole back in the water, I'd catch more. It was a magnificent sight.

At around 5pm we desided we were done for the day. We headed back to the house, and while Nick took a shower, Glen and I had a bit of alone time. It was nice :) Then we headed home. We were all a little hungry (after all, we hadn't eaten all day), so we stopped at Krispy Kream and got some doughnuts. *Yummy* I wish we had one around Apopka, because I'd get some every morning. Oh God, those are the best doughnuts I've ever tasted. If you haven't had the chance to try one, I highly suggest finding a local Krispy Kream, and buy the place out.

Anyway, like I was saying we were on our way home, but we had to make one more stop in a small town called Deltona to get some gas. Unfortunatly, Glen always insists on paying for the gas prior to pumping it, saying it makes things easier, so we paid for it first. Ten dollars ended up going to waste, because the cash register and all of the pumps locked right after we paid, and we were unable to pump the gas. We waited about ten minutes in hopes the pumps would turn back on, but they didn't so instead the lady let us get some free drinks. Nick tried to take a beer, but the buzzer went off, lol. The lady would have let him take it too, but he didn't really want it anyway. We ended up going across the street and getting gas @ the Circle K. THEN we finally went home.

I was so proud to cart the ice chest, containing my two fish, into my house. I placed it in the kitchen and called for my dad. I think he was proud too, but made me take them outside because of the smell. The only bad part about the fish was that they were both too SMALL to get any meat off of them. DAMN IT! I worked so hard for those two, and we couldn't eat them. OH WELL! I can at least give little bits of it to Milo {my 27lb cat). It was fun while it lasted. As promised, here are the pics:

The ugly fish is the Flounder, and the pretty striped one is a Sheepshead. The sheepshead had some horrible horse looking teeth. It was nasty. But that's all for today! Have a great evening ladies and gentlemen! Love*Morgan

�Glinda|| � || Elphie�