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What a stressful f-ing day... And its not even over yet. In anatomy we started disecting cats. Now, we all know how much I love cats so the idea of cutting one up bothers me a little. None the less, I was a "surgeon". We ended up getting a very large long haired male with a nice size sack on him that we named Precious. Then we skinned him. Yum. How exciting. It didn't bother me until we reached the paws. They reminded me of Milo's so I was bothered by that.

Statistics... Oh man, don't make me get into that. HORRIBLE first half of class. Got yelled at by one of the guys that I thought was my friend. It was bad. And the worst part is that it started over stupid cars. Nothing of real importance to worry about, but that's what it was over. About 6 other people ended up getting involved in the ordeal and it was just soooooo stupid. I felt like a moron for crying. I know everyone is going to think its because he was yelling at me or whatever, but really its just because he ended up getting in trouble over it and I felt like it was MY fault. Blaaah. Stupid boys. They should all die. We women can all be asexual and not deal with men. There would be A LOT less war in the world if all men were dead. "Oh but how would you reproduce??" Well, before the men are killed, we juice their dicks and steal their sperm. Then freeze the sperm and use them when needed.

�Glinda|| � || Elphie�