Older Entries

Today Glen, Meagan, Randy, and I all went to the Florida Mall (my personal favorite). It was... An interesting day. All four of us had our heads up our asses and ended up fighting w/ our boyfriend or girlfriend. Glen & I were fighting over... Hell, I can't even remember- it was so stupid. Oh well, I'm glad its over, I hate fighting with him!! While at the mall, I bought some FABULOUS new eyeshadows & eyeliners, and did a happy dance (haha). Eh, I don't know, I just really wanted some new stuff; I was just in one of those moods. I had gotten my wallet back (that had all my birthday money in it) and wanted to spend the cash! After about 4 hours, we left the mall only to go across the street to Sound Advice. Glen and I wanted to check out some new stuff for our cars there because they always have really good offers. I ended up getting two sets of mids & highs (speakers) for my car (front and back). They sounded amazing, and weren't over priced AT ALL. Hopefully I'll be able to get them installed soon!!

That's all for today, boys and girls! Sleep Tight & Don't Let The Bed Bugs Bite!


�Glinda|| � || Elphie�