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I had a blast today! Glen's mom, his sister Laurie, and I all went up to Nick's beach house (where Glen & Marcelo were already). The weather was pretty miserable on the way out there, but it was ok, because we went fishing under the covered area of the dock. It was a lot more fun this time because there were more girls there this time!! Nick now has his step-dad's great-neice living with him (Lindsey), who's also 17, so she makes "hanging with the guys" a lot more interesting. Also,

Little Miss Maddie (Nick's five year old sister) joined us and I must say, it was simply adorable to watch her "fish". "Fishing" to her is having someone else bait the hook (me), some one else cast the line out (me), holding the pole (she does that much), and having someone else reel in whatever she catches (me). Amazingly, today I was the first to catch a fish! *Three Cheers For Me* Unfortunatly, it was only a catfish that was about 8" long, so back into the water with that one! Not long after Maddie caught a stingray, but we didn't quite get it onto the dock. About half an hour later, she caught another one, and soon after that, I caught another catfish. Saltwater catfish aren't very tasty to eat, so we didn't save those, and obviously, we weren't going to eat the sting rays. But our luck was about to change; about 10 minutes after my catfish, Glen, my amazing babe, caught a nice sized Yellow Tailed Snapper! Those are really good to eat, so I was really excited for him. The only other thing that was caught that day was another stingray *coughICaughtItcough*.

We then headed off to the beach! Glen actually went in the water! Marcelo found a sandbar out fairly far, so we (Glen, Nick, Laurie, Lindsey, & I) all attempted to swim out to it, but only Glen, Nick, & I made it. The "weak" swimmers gave up! Anyway, we swam around and just hung out at the beach for about an hour, and then desided to head on home. I got to ride with my baby, so it was wonderful... Well, all except the part where I got really sick to my stomach, lol! But I took some meds, and I'm feeling better now :)

That was my day! Hope ya'll enjoyed reading! xoxo*Morgan

�Glinda|| � || Elphie�