Older Entries

When Bad Shit Happens to Good people. I decided not to give my the name because I don't know if this person would want many people to know what's happening, but I need the advice of others, so I'll tell the story. We'll call the girl Nancy, ok? Ok. Here's an entry I wrote in my old opendiary last year:

Stay Strong Nancy 5/16/2003

This message is really just to one of my best friends, Nancy. Hun, if you read this, know that I'm trying my best to help you out. The safe lady wasn't there today, nor were you... Which really scares me. I just want you to know that I'm here for you and will gladly "kidnap" you again if need be!!!!!!! I'm trying my hardest, so keep your faith and DON'T GIVE UP! RUN AWAY if you have to; we'll get you a hotel room or something. Stay safe and I'll see you soon!! Love, Morgan

Nancy comes from a very abusive family, and she's dealt with it her whole life, but last year shit started getting BAD. I remember her mother (who had moved out and away from her husband-Nancy's dad) had gotten mad at Nancy, when Nancy had done nothing wrong. It was a bad one too. Her mother told her to pack her things and get out. Nancy was barely 17 at the time. She (in tears), her mother, and little sister put all of her things into plastic bags and moved them to the living room. Her mom then left.

A while had passed when Nancy got a call from her father. He told her he was going to kill her. Enough said. She then called me crying hysterically and told me all that happened. I told my mom, then went to pick Nancy up. This was probably around 6.

I brought her back to my house. Things were fine, and we went to bed around 10. Then, at 11:30, her mother and father show up at my front door. He demands his daughter back, and my father replies, "We just want her to be safe," fucker says "she's mine". I swear to God, I thought my daddy was going to punch that man right at that moment. Nancy is then forced to leave.

She wasn't at school the next day, which scared the living shit out of me. I cried for two hours, while my teacher insisted to the class my crying was only "high school drama." Yeah right. Finally, Nancy returns to school the following day with belt marks all over her arms and legs. The markings didn't fade until six months later.


I'm so fucking scared right now. The shit is happening again. She and her mom got into a fight last night; a big one. Her mom told her she wasn't going to do shit for her anymore, and Nancy said ok. So I offered to drive her to night school at 5:30. I showed up, we talked for a few minutes, and just as we were about to leave, there comes loud pounding on her door. She opens it to find her father. "Lets go," he yells, "hurry up." Nancy tells him to wait for her to get her things. He yells more that someone is at the house. When he finds out it is me (he's hated me ever since I let her stay at my house), he gives us both the look of death. We leave the house as he storms off to his truck. We hug and she's gone. I'm scared for her.

Her dad's crazy, and I wasn't about to let shit happen to her, so I follow his truck up to the school. After he drops her off and leaves, I drive up and pull in. As I'm walking towards her class, I see that her dad came back and pulled into a parking spot a space away from me. Nancy sees me and yells to me that she'll call me. We talk about what needs to be done, and I tell her to call me at home in half an hour. When I get home, I have two messages on my answering machine. The first is Nancy telling me how scared she is and that she doesn't know what to do. The second is her again telling me the cops have come to talk to her. Good thing, right? Wrong.

My mom and I were both able to talk to Nancy's teacher, who was very nice and seemed to care a lot about Nancy. Unfortunately, the deputy sheriff didn't believe Nancy.

Nancy is now at home. Her mother is on the phone with her father. She told him to come over and beat her up. I'm taking Nancy to school tomorrow. What do I do from here? Please help.

�Glinda|| � || Elphie�