Older Entries

Good evening my friends! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and just an overall nice week. I am completely exhausted. I went to a classic car show down at Daytona International Speedway today, called the Turkey Run. Wow. Where do I begin? They had the most BEAUTIFUL classic cars I've ever seen! Hot rods in every direction and the paint jobs... Don't even get me started! The only bad part about the whole adventure was that it was friggin' 45� outside!!! Now, I know that doesn't sound to bad to a northerner, but I'M A FLORIDIAN! I had a long sleeve shirt on, with a sweater over it, a leather jacket over those, a scarf on, AND gloves and I was still cold!!! It was really windy though, so that might have done it...

Anyway, Daddy and I found this BEAUTIFUL 1969 V8 Mustang for $13,000 (which is a really good deal because it was in tip top condition) so we just might be getting another car. I doubt we will, but I really hope we do!!!

I'm beginning to get into my Christmas Spirit... Hahaha, I've got about 40 Christmas Songs waiting to be downloaded and I'm getting offline now to go decorate the house! HAVE A GREAT NIGHT!!!!


�Glinda|| � || Elphie�