Older Entries

Well, this evening was full of suprises once again at the Scarff Family Home. Dinner was AMAZING (God, my mom is an awesome cook), as were the fireworks... I actually had the balls to light some myself this year!!! Yay for me! But there came a catastrophy as the fireworks faded. As we were all making our way onto my back porch from the yard (where we had our fireworks), my 83 year old Grandfather (whom I call Da), that has already had a heart attack, a stroke, & an operation on his hip, fell into our pool. Within seconds, my Daddy had pulled him above the water, but none the less it was a serious fall. It took my dad (who is no small man, towering above me at 6'1") and his buddy Rudy (who is like 6'3")- neigher of them skinny a good half an hour to get my poor Da into a nearby chair. After that, Rudy went back to his house to get his golf cart (he lives down the street) to move Da to the front of the house in. My Grammy, Mom, Rudy's wife Judy, and I (and Glen until around 9:45) stood around some what dumbfounded. *sigh* As we waited, my Da called me over and told me not to cry, that he would be alright, but told me next time that happened that I have to jump in the pool & save him instead of my Daddy because he's getting too old too. That's my Da for you, always wants to make me smile. Then before I took Glen home, Da jokingly asked what he had done to help, and Glen said cleverly, "Absolutly nothing. I sat back and watched". That brought a smile to my Da's face, and mine as well. Well, when Rudy got back with the golf cart, we're talking another half hour to get Da into the cart & around to the front, and an additional 15 minutes to get him into his car. Its 11pm now and that all occured around 9pm... And as my daddy just said, upon arriving home from Grammy & Da's, "it's a bitch getting old". But that's all for now folks, I've cried enough tears for one night & am ready to go to sleep. Hopefully nothing more will happen to him, because as you can see, my Da means a lot to me.

Much Love & Many Kisses


�Glinda|| � || Elphie�