Older Entries

Exams are OVER! Thank God! Its such a relief to end this semester. No worries for two weeks, what a blessing! Today's exams were in drama and care & prevention of athletic injury (CP). Both sound pretty easy right? Drama is, but CP was actually one of my hardest classes this semester. I did good on the final though- I made an 88 *yay*

In OTHER news, Shirley got me hermit crabs for Christmas! I love them! I have three- my favorite is Milo (named after my cat Milo); and then there's Mizzy (named after my OTHER cat), who we thought was dead but is really alive; and then there's Bashi aka Fucker because he snaps at you and it hurts!! He just bit me a few minutes ago so I'm pretty spiteful at the moment.

Other than that, everything is pretty normal. I took my friend Tracy home today and she has chickens!!! So I chased them and fed them and held one and it was great and let me say "and" a few more times!!! Then I chased the cat around because I FUCKING LOVE CATS and we just hung out. I felt like I was on a farm... Almost... But it was fun! We're going to go cow tippin' over winter break which will be AMAZING. If you don't know what cow tippin' is, you're a loser.


�Glinda|| � || Elphie�