Older Entries

I'm sick off my ass. Coughing hurts, sneezing hurts, BREATHING even hurts. My lungs feel like they're going to collapse and my eyes are so swollen the bags underneath them are bigger than the actual eyes. I have that killer flu that's going around- even though I had my flu shot (I know I know, the shots didn't have everything they needed, but they were supposed to help a bit).

It really worries me because there was a girl that lived in the next county that actually died from the flu, and knowing that my immune system is so horrible, it freaks me out.

And to top it all off, I don't have anyone to talk to. Glen's looking for appartments with his dad in Canada (his new fucking home), Shirley is still in Puerto Rico (aka Hell), and Dana's phone is dead. My mom is out with a friend she made plans with weeks ago, and daddy is working, so I'm stuck at home with my cats, dog, hermit crabs, and tissues. What fun...

Not too much more to say, and thus I'm done.


�Glinda|| � || Elphie�