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What started off as being such a long tedious day has some how transformed itself into a wonderful and marvolous day!

I was awoken at around 9 am by the shrill screech of my Grammy's voice, "Morgan get up and help me clean. Morgan. Morgan! MOOOOORRRRRRRGGGGGAAAAAAAAAN!!!!!!!!" (an order I don't like to here." After about 4 hours of cleaning out my closet, my room, my bathroom, organizing, and dusting, I was done. Praise Jesus. So what did I do next? I went to my mom's afternoon class. THEY WERE SUCH LITTLE BRATS TODAY!!!!! That's all I have to say about that.

So I come home and rest for about ten minutes, then drive to Tuesday Morning's where my mom and I bought some very nice Ralph Lauren luggage for me (to take to New York as well as to college.) After returning home, I was informed by a little birdy that I'm going to Flagler College in the Fall rather than the following January. THANK GOD FOR SMALL FAVORS. I can't wait to get out of this God forsaken town (no offense to my friends, but com'on, there's so much more to the world than little old Apopka.) Yay! I was then reminded that I must act suprised when my dad comes home to tell me. Soooo that's what I did. My dad had created a really cute envelope with a note in it saying "Congrats to Morgan on being a member of the Flagler Freshman Class of '04" It was really sweet. :)

After that, I opened another gift I had recieved in the mail- from the Woodward Family (my dad's friends in Kentucky). They gave me the nicest purse and matching wallet. *tear* It was really sweet of them. Then I opened my Victoria's Secret box and got out two new pairs of jammies I had bought online a few days ago :) My day has turned out great. I don't need to do anything else to make me happy.

�Glinda|| � || Elphie�