Older Entries

Sorry I haven't written lately. I've been rather busy. Tuesday and Wednesday I had auditions for the play The Dining Room; I think about 70 people tried out this time for a cast that has 15 parts and I'm proud to say I'm one of the 15! *YAY* Its about damn time I make a friggin' play. LoL, I think its just because Ms. Miner isn't the director this time, instead its the new drama teacher Ms. Castiglione. She's amazing! This play is going to kick ass, so you should all come see it... Even if you live in Canada- get your asses down to APK Florida to see my damn play!

Our first rehursals were yesterday and I think we've got a great cast. Everyone is getting along really well, and that's ALWAYS a good thing.

I'm working on a new layout right now, so I'll write more later. Have a great one!


�Glinda|| � || Elphie�