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Well, I went to see Texas Chainsaw Massacre last night... That is the scariest freakin' movie I have EVER seen in my entire 17 years of existance. And the worst part is, its a true story. *shivers* I'm giving many props to Jessica Biel, who did an AMAZING job. Oh man, that movie scared the shit out of me. Glen almost broke my fingers he was holding my hand so tight, so I figure he enjoyed it too. After the movie was over I was still shaking it was that damn good. And when I was ready to go to sleep, I was scared shitless just because my window blinds were open. I had to have my freakin' cat AND dog sleep with me I was so scared, lol, because we all know Milo, the 27 pound cat, could have fought off the 300 pound man... Riiiight. So basically, if you haven't seen the movie yet, go see it, because it is FANTASTIC!


�Glinda|| � || Elphie�