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I hate my school. Not because of the teachers or the students, but the actual school SUCKS. I am literally allergic to it. I'm back for less than two weeks and I'm getting sick. My throat is sore, my glands are swollen, and my nose is runny. It makes me sick that I went over TWO months without getting a cold or even a runny nose, and as soon as I get back to APK, I'm sick again. We (my family) are in the process of getting a 504 Plan set up. A 504 plan is basically for students that miss a lot of school due to a medical condition. The deal is basically my teachers MUST give me extra time to make up my assignments because I have been out of school sick, and also when I get to school late (due to a bad night of asthma or what not), its not counted as an unexcused tardy (that way my teachers MUST give me the work). I really do need this plan, because I have a very very very low immune system and I'm out of school sick for weeks at a time, no joke. And its incredibly hard to return to school after missing a week and be forced to take a test THAT day.

Basically, in able to get a 504 Plan, I need my allergist to fill out this form, then have a meeting with my guidance counselor and teachers, and get their consent. Its pretty easy. I'll be much better off this way. But I'm having an attack right now, so I've gotta run! Have a good night ya'll!


�Glinda|| � || Elphie�