Older Entries

I quit my job! Yay! *Happy Dance* With the situation at hand (Da), it was easy for Donna (my boss) to understand why I had to (and WANTED to). Therefore my last day is going to be THURSDAY... MY BIRTHDAY! What a great b-day present- LoL, the last day on the job; PRAISE JESUS! Work actually wasn't bad at all today. Everyone seemed to be extra nice, knowing about Da's condition. Somehow that managed to spread rather quick... That place is sooooo full of gossip, but at least its not the bad type... All the girls are so sweet there!

*sigh* I'm waiting for my time to run out so I can take the driving exam... BORING! Oh! Dinner is ready! YAY! I'm going to eat, and I'll finish this entry after I'm done! xoxo


I passed, I passed! Yay! No points on MY licence, thank you VERY much! I only missed 2 on the final (you could miss up to 8)- one was worded all weird and I didn't know what the hell the answer was (it was about railroads... WHO GIVE A FLYING FUCK?!) and the other was about DUI... Oh well. I PASSED and that's all that matters! YAY! Now I just have to go pay the fine. OH WELL! hahaha. I'm done for now. I'm tired; I had a long day!

Much love and Many kisses,


PS- Da is getting moved to a Rehab. place tomorrow and he's not at all happy about it. LoL, he doesn't want to work so hard at it, but I told him when it rains on your parade, look up rather than down, because without the rain, their would be no rainbow! I think he liked that, because a little extra color came into his face, and a faint smile showed up as well! I hope I made his day a little brighter...

�Glinda|| � || Elphie�