Older Entries

Wow, sorry I haven't written an entry recently... Where to begin? Ahhh yes! My birthday!!! YAY!!!!! It was great! My mom and daddy gave me a bunch of new and amazingly awesome clothes, a silver bracelet w/ a heart on it from Tiffany's, the computer (of course), two purses (one really cute tan one, and a slightly larger black one), Paint Shop Pro8 (for the computer, duh) and just a bunch of other odds and ins. Da had been wanting to get me these amazing seat covers (they're suede w/ leather lining) for my car, but they ended up being $2000+ dollars, and before he had time to look for some different ones, he ended up in the hospital, so he gave me some money instead, while Grammy got one of those cushion things to put on my bed (so it wouldn't be so hard) and a hypo-allergetic sheet cover. My Grandma & PaPa gave me some money (PaPa does that every year- he puts no effort into buying gifts for people, lol) and Grandma gave me these amazing pearl earings! *whoop*whoop*

But I must say, the BEST gift of all was from Glen!! He gave me this INCREDIBLE white gold promise ring (YAY) with three diamonds in it! Its soooooo beautiful! I love it soooo much! I'm never taking it off! Well, only if I have to swich fingers or something! :)

I finally finished work & got $90 (whoop whoop)! No more work! No more work! *happy dance* YAY! Sorry... Just one of those mood swings... Well, after work, Glen took me to downtown disney. We were going to eat at this mexican restaraunt (Cocoa Bongos), but the wait was about 45 minutes and you had to stand in a line to get in... So we headed over to Rainforest Cafe. On the way there, we passed a pearl dive, where you choose an oister (spell check!!), then open it and get the pearl from inside! So I did it! I got a golden pearl which is worth about $90 (mind you I only paid $12), and then got it mounted on a golden hook thing that has a small diamond on it. I was so excited! It was great. Then off to Rainforest Cafe! But when we got there, they told us the wait was almost TWO HOURS!! There was NO WAY in hell I was going to wait that long for some freakin' food, so we went to McDonald's instead! Yes, McDonald's. I had fries & icecream- it was marvelous! After "dinner" we went to see Legally Blonde 2, which I think was better than the first. If you haven't seen it, I'll give away only ONE thing, her doggie, Bruiser... IS GAY! No, I'm being serious! That's all I'm saying. Muhahaaa!

That was my birthday. LoL. In other news, Glen's having a party tonight, so if you're one of his or my FRIENDS, feel free to come! This is basically my birthday "party", since we didn't get to do it on the 10th because his dad was in town. I'm picking Meagan up at 8, so come whenever after that.

Well, I must bid you all adieu, I'm off to see Da at the rehab clinic!

Much Love * Many Kisses,


�Glinda|| � || Elphie�