Older Entries

So, here I am writing another entry :) I know my lack of updating would be looked down apon by reviewers, but to be honest, I've been really busy with drama rehursals, Glen, and school work, so by the time I get home, I'm EXHAUSTED. I wasn't even alloud to go out last night, which sucks ass because Glen and I had plans. But mom said no because she thinks I'm going to get sick if I go go go.

Arrrrg. I'm in a pissy mood now. Glen would rather stay home and do nothing tonight, rather than see me. Soooo Shirley and I are going to see the movie Elf, which had better be good or else I'll have a hissy fit. So I've got to get ready now, I'll fill everyone in later.


�Glinda|| � || Elphie�