Older Entries

+ I tend to get upset very easily.

+ I'm in love with my boyfriend Glen. Whether we'll be together forever, we don't know, but we ARE in love.

+ My best friends are Glen, my mom, and my cat Milo.

+ I hate when people ask redundant questions.

+ I prefer spending time with just a few people rather than a large group.

+ I've learned a lot about people through the past 3 years. There are more bad than there are good, but if you look hard enough, you'll find the good ones.

+ I'm very close with my family. They're my world.

+ I'm an only child. I'm glad I don't have any brothers or sisters because I enjoy the extra attention.

+ I'm also the youngest (at 16- almost 17) in my entire family. Its great.

+ I'm not a very religious person, but I do believe in God and I AM a good Christian.

+ I hate when people think they "know" me. Very few people really know me.

+ I get frustrated very easily.

+ When I am mad, upset, or just not having a good day, I go into my room and cry. It helps me to get all of my feelings out.

+ I have finally began to mature socially. LoL

+ I don't like whe people make assumptions about me before they know the truth.

+ I absolutely love the feeling of someone caring about me.

�Glinda|| � || Elphie�