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Yay! I'm home I'm home!!! For the past two days I've been visiting Tallahassee & FSU. Its awesome!! The school is alllll brick- so pretty! We didn't stay too long to really get a feel for it, but I loved what I saw, and that is the important thing :) HAHAHAHA! Did you know the school mascot was almost going to be "The Fighting Crackers"??? OMG! Could you imagine that??

Anyway, Glen's party wasn't big, but it was a lot of fun. We had Blackberry & Banana Shabbs... The Banana was nasty but ooooooh how I LOVED the Blackberry! It was my birthday celebration, and boy it was something new for me... Glen, Randy, and Meagan know what I'm talking about- haha! Don't worry boys, you have no worries! The only mistake I made was after my shabbs ran out, I drank Vodka... And needless to say, THEY DON'T MIX! Not much pukey-pukey, but a lot of dry heaves. YUCK! I'll write more later or tomorrow! Love you all!

Much Love and Many Kisses,


�Glinda|| � || Elphie�